

ShiftBMW is not affiliated with Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) in any way, nor has the content on this website been endorsed by BMW.

The BMW name and logos are registered trademarks of BMW AG and BMW North America, Inc.

The illustrations and instructions contained in these pages reflect various personal experiences in maintaining and upgrading select BMWs. The information contained in this site is illustrative in nature and as such it is not intended to be expert advice regarding maintenance or repair of your BMW. By accessing this information you specifically agree to use the information contained therein at your own risk. You also agree that we will not — and cannot — be held liable for any damages relating to the creation, provision, or maintenance of the information contained in any of the featured articles in any way whatsoever.

You should always consult a proper technical manual prior to performing any type of automotive maintenance or service. If you are not experienced in the maintenance of automobiles, please consult a professional mechanic. While anecdotal references to the consumption of alcohol may appear in various articles on this website, we absolutely do not recommend that alcohol be consumed while working on your vehicle.