Topic: Misc Information

BMW E34 Buying Guide

Article by: Author Unknown Article applies to: all e34 models. The first thing to realize is that an E34 is not Honda so it should not be treated like one. The E34 is a well build car, but it will require much more maintenance then say a Toyota Camry. Don’t […]

BMW E34 History

About the E in E34 BMW uses an E code to designate each particular body style/platform. E stands for Entwicklung which is German for development or evolution. The E34 In North America the E34 was introduced for 1989 to replace its predecessor, the E28. Only two models were available, the […]

DIY Jumper Cables

DIY Jumper Cables, that Rock! Get thee to a welding store near you. Get a length of welding lead. However long you want it. Purchase clips from here. Make sure they are installed correctly – check for impedance! There you go!