Topic: DIY Repairs & Mods

Pitman Arms Replacement

Articles by: MehMan and Johan (below) Article applies to: all E23, E24, E28, E32 and E34 models. This is a pretty straight forward replacement, an easy DIY. It shouldn’t take more than an hour, two at most, depending on how much you want to clean and how slowly you’re taking […]

Rear Wheel Bearing

Article by: GSXRliterbikz Article applies to: most BMW models. So the 7 I bought a few months ago needed a bearing when I bought it. Lazy person I am, I procrastinated too long. Put like 8k on it and then had to stop driving since it got too bad. All […]

Rear Wheel Bearing

Article by: GSXRliterbikz Article applies to: most BMW models. So the 7 I bought a few months ago needed a bearing when I bought it. Lazy person I am, I procrastinated too long. Put like 8k on it and then had to stop driving since it got too bad. All […]

Front Wheel Bearing

Article by: Sean Article applies to: all E31, E32 and E34 models. Problem: whining or howling noises from the front that become louder as you increase speed, grind noises when turning the wheel of your car by hand (jacked up). Of course in my case I had a slightly different […]

Rear Ventilation

Article by: Johan Applies to: all e32 and e34 models. Problem: There is no air coming from the rear ventilation ducts. Background info: The rear air ducts will only blow fresh air or air conditioned air. So there will be no heat coming from this duct. There are two wires […]

Cold Air in Center Vents

Article by: Johan Applies to: all e32 and e34 models. Problem: Only cold air comes from the center vents. There have been discussions on various message boards that this is supposed to be normal. Granted it’s not supposed to blow out hot air, like the demister and foot well vents, […]