Topic: DIY Repairs & Mods

HID Headlight Upgrade

Article by: Johan Article applies to: most early BMW models (70’s through 90s). Problem: The lights on the E32 are more comparable to a tea light then a set of proper headlights. I think this car has the worst lighting I ever had on a car. The main cause of […]

Hood and Trunk Shocks

Article by: Johan Applies to: all e32 and e34 models. Problem:Working on your own car has its share of risks. One of them is having the hood slammed on your back when it’s rather windy outside. After getting a quote of 50 euro for two new shocks from the dealer […]

IHKA Components and System

Article by: Johan Applies to: all e32 and e34 models. Introduction: The IHKA system (Intergriertes Heizung und Klima Automatic) is probably one of the systems that will cause you some major headaches over the course of your E32 ownership. The system seems really complex, but once you get a better […]